Marilyn Wellington is the National Conference of Bar Examiners’ Chief Strategy and Operations Officer and is the staff lead for the Strategy, Coordination, and Outreach implementation workgroup. Wellington was appointed as the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Board of Bar Examiners by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court and served in that role from 2010 to 2022. Prior to her appointment with the Board of Bar Examiners, Wellington held positions in nonprofit and public-sector organizations across the legal community, including as Executive Director of the Massachusetts Bar Association, Chief of Staff to the Massachusetts Trial Court System, and Principal Court Management Consultant for the National Center for State Courts. Wellington has served on the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court’s Steering Committee on Bar Admissions and its Standing Advisory Committee on Professionalism. She is the Massachusetts cochair for the American Bar Foundation’s Fellows Program and is a prior member of the NCBE Board of Trustees, chairing its Character and Fitness Investigations Committee. She formerly served on the Massachusetts Access to Justice Commission, is a past chair of the Council of Bar Admission Administrators, and is past chair of NCBE’s Uniform Bar Examination Committee. Wellington is licensed as an attorney in Massachusetts. She earned her bachelor’s degree from Emmanuel College and her juris doctorate from the New England School of Law, both in Boston, Massachusetts.