Danette Waller McKinley, PhD, is the Director of Strategic Research for the National Conference of Bar Examiners. She develops and coordinates research on legal education and licensure and is the staff lead for NCBE’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee. Dr. McKinley has conducted research on the licensure and certification of health professionals for more than 30 years and was responsible for developing and implementing a research agenda that supports the missions, advocacy efforts, innovation endeavors, and thought leadership activities of the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) and its Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER). Dr. McKinley received her B.A. in Psychology from Williams College, her M.A. in Educational Research Methodology from the University of Pittsburgh, and her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from Temple University.
In this role, she coordinates and monitors research conducted to identify and support strategic goals. She conceptualizes, proposes, directs, and collaborates on projects related to validity and fairness research.